Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The rocky roads taken by some of the world’s top writers

The success of many famous authors did not happen overnight and the road to literary stardom for many of the world’s top writers was a long and winding one which contained many roadblocks along the way. If you are budding writer and need a bit of inspiration, consider the paths these famous writers took.

Stephen King

The undisputed godfather of horror fiction, Stephen King worked in a number of jobs before he got his big break in writing. He worked at an industrial laundry, a gas station and as a janitor while trying to get his writing career off the ground. When he had completed to manuscript for his first novel Carrie, he took it to 30 different publishers who all rejected it. Feeling disheartened, he threw the manuscript away before his wife Tabatha – who would herself go on to be famous writer – recovered it and urged him not to give up.

Dr Seuss

An absolute staple of most childhood reading, it’s very hard to imagine a world without Dr Seuss. However, his first book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street was turned down 27 times before finally getting snapped up and, as they say, the rest is history.

JK Rowling

Things were anything put magical for JK Rowling when she first started writing about the wizard Harry Potter. She was living as a single mother in Edinburgh and on welfare. She was also suffering from depression and could not afford to pay for childcare. Therefore she had to take her young daughter with her when she sat in coffee shops all day to write her first Harry Potter manuscript. She then had to cope with the book being turned down 12 times before finally get her big break.

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