Monday, 6 May 2019

The Most Powerful Exercises To Improve Your Writing

If you’ve got aspirations of being a successful writer, it can be helpful to practice your craft. Even if words tumble out naturally, there are tips you can try to help improve your style and content. Here are a few easy but powerful exercises which will make a huge difference to the quality of your writing.

Omit adverbs

Adverbs are the words in a sentence which modify the verb, typically ending in -ly. Examples include quickly, easily, gently etc. There’s nothing wrong with adverbs in a sentence but they can make your writing lazy. By leaving out adverbs as an experiment, you’ll find more descriptive ways to get your message across and your sentences will be much sharper too.

Cover up your screen

It’s easy to get distracted by the editing when you’re supposed to be writing, and this can seriously hamper the amount you produce. Constantly going back over what you’ve already written doesn’t help anyone but it’s a hard habit to break. To give yourself the freedom to focus on the words which are coming next, try covering up your screen. Turn the brightness right down so you can’t see what you’re typing or you could always type with your eyes closed! You need to do a bit more editing at the end but the difference in your productivity will make it more than worthwhile.

Try starting halfway through

Getting the perfect start can be a real block for some people so scrap that and move along a bit further. Starting halfway through takes away the pressure to create an impactful beginning, and allows you to enter the story when it’s already established. Once you’re up and running and have been able to let the writing develop, you can go back and fill in the missing first section.

Taking a look at other examples of great writing can also help, and taking time out to enjoy a book can be a positive way to move forward. Check out for some of the best online books that are available at your fingertips, whenever you want.

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