Monday 9 July 2018

What To Do When Kids Are Bored?

With summer on your doorstep, there is this moaning complaint (plus many variations of it!) you will hear more often than you would like to. “Mommy, I am bored. Mommy, I am super bored. Mom, I am dying from boredom. Mom, I am booooored!!! Summer is so boring! It’s so boring here!” If you can relate, then here’s what you can do when you hear it.

  • Persevere: Remember that kids need to learn how to be resourceful. In other words, you can be empathetic, but make them “own” their boredom. After doing nothing for a while, inspiration is going to come and they will forget you exist for some time.
  • Change the location: This usually works with anybody. When you feel stuck, you get up from the chair, walk around, go get a drink and you are back on track. Same is with kids. Get them off the couch! Research shows that when children play in natural play spaces, they’re far more likely to invent their own games than in more structured settings.
  • Pure Joy: Pure leisure activities are just as important and help your child relax and enjoy their off time from school; we’re only a kid once. You can cheer them up with their favourite cartoons or help them learn to jump rope. Learning a dance could be fun as well.
Want some additional entertainment, go to Vujar. On Vujar, you will get the best family fun content that will keep you and the family entertained.

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